Uzbekistan is in the central part of Central Asia. The capital of the Uzbek Republic is Tashkent. It is located in the Chirchik-Angren oasis’ central region in the northeast of the Republic. It is one of Central Asia’s ancient cities. It has a more than 2,000-year history. Tashkent has variously been referred to as Chach, Shash, and Bin-ket.
Uzbek is the national tongue of Uzbekistan. A multinational Republic, Uzbekistan. Additionally, because it is a secular nation, other beliefs’ rights and the laws are unaffected by religion.
In Uzbekistan, traditional dances are well-liked. A significant part of Uzbekistan’s cultural life is music and art. Around the nation, festivals both domestic and foreign are frequently held.
- Area: 447,4 square kilometers
- Population: more than 32 million of people
- Average population density is 59.4 people for 1 sq. km
- State language: Uzbek
- Capital: Tashkent
- Currency unit: Sum